Here you can find different utilities compiled by Plant Phytologist group.


This is a self-developed add-on for LI6800 by The add-on includes calculations of gas exchange parameters accounting for small fluxes as presented by Márquez, Stuart-Williams, and Farquhar (2021) (MSF). The incorporation of the add-on is via the configuration function included in the tab “Start up” of the LI6800. The add-on was developed for the LI6800’s software version 2.0.04 but was tested in the version 1.5.02 as well. The add-on does not replace the previous calculations performed by the LI6800 but adds a set of columns and rows to the data file including the new calculations and parameters.

Download/Access Add-on MSF calculations for LI6800

Documentation: Instructions and details


SAI is an app for auto-measuring stomatal density and pore features (width, length and area) from microscope images with human-level accuracy via deep computer vision. The stomatal assay is a common practice in plant physiology research that represents a significant bottleneck to research pipelines which relies upon experts to record stomatal features accurately; requiring significant researcher time and investment. StomaAI (SAI), the bottleneck breaker, is a reliable, user-friendly and adaptable tool for auto-measuring stomatal density and pore features (width, length and area) from microscope images with human-level accuracy via deep computer vision. SAI has been initially calibrated and deployed for the model plant Arabidopsis (dicot) and the crop plant barley (monocot grass). For other plant species, we encourage researchers to contribute to SAI or to contact us and collaborate to increase its utility. Further information, including user instructions, can be found in our published paper (DOI:10.1111/nph.18765).

Download/Access StomaAI (SAI)

Documentation: Documentation