Repository shows an average or selection of the data presented by the reference's Author(s). For full information visit the reference.
Plant name Ad. St. Den. Ab. St. Den. Sr Reference
Acer platanoides 0.0 314.29 0.0 Lehmann et al. (2020) - The 18O-signal transfer from water vapour to leaf water and assimilates varies among plant species and growth forms
Acer pseudoplatanus 0.0 400.0 0.0 Salisbury (1928) - On the causes and ecological significance of stomatal frequency, with special reference to the woodland flora
Acer pseudoplatanus 0.0 390.0 0.0 Beerling & Kelly (1997) - Stomatal density responses of temperate woodland plants over the past seven decades of CO2 increase: a comparison of Salisbury (1927) with contemporary data
Achillea biebersteinii 73.73 37.0 1.99 Zarinkamar (2007) - Stomatal observations in Dicotyledons
Achillea millefolium 89.68 39.73 2.26 Zarinkamar (2007) - Stomatal observations in Dicotyledons
Adonis aestivalis 46.41 27.42 1.69 Zarinkamar (2007) - Stomatal observations in Dicotyledons
Aegilops kotschy 127.5 121.8 1.05 Zarinkamar (2006) - Density, Size and Distribution of Stomata in Different Monocotyledons
Aegilops taushii 135.2 76.69 1.76 Zarinkamar (2006) - Density, Size and Distribution of Stomata in Different Monocotyledons
Aeschynomene fluitans 0.0 377.14 0.0 Lehmann et al. (2020) - The 18O-signal transfer from water vapour to leaf water and assimilates varies among plant species and growth forms
Agave neomexicana 22.86 22.86 1.0 Lehmann et al. (2020) - The 18O-signal transfer from water vapour to leaf water and assimilates varies among plant species and growth forms
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